
Sunday, June 30, 2013


 Just thought I'd pop in and show you my long awaited Wallpaper reveal...Stunning Laura Ashley wallpaper finally on my wall!
 I must say it was a difficult process having to quickly glue and hang while maintaining a close eye on my little one who thought it was much more fun to walk on the wallpaper then to hang it. As always the fun part is in the design and I'm Loving my Butterfly from St Barts it adds the most exquisite pop of colour...
 the stools are from a gorgeous shop on the gold coast that I seem to have forgotten the name of...the coral and porcelin trinket box, mirrors and porcelain deer heads are from Creatively Active Minds
So tell me what you think? I'd love to know...Wishing you all a Gorgeous day xx


  1. Love. Love. Love! The wallpaper adds a very subtle sophistication that could never have been achieved with paint. And I'd have to love the butterfly, faux coral and bone box too as I have the same (similar)pieces! x KL

  2. Absolutely stunning. A triumph!! I am a huge fan of Laura ashleys's and their wallpaper is beautiful and lasts and wears very well. Enjoy your wall of beauty.

  3. Thankyou so much Ladies for your lovely comments. I so appreciate them. Have a gorgeous day xx
